The University of Tokyo

Multi-Disciplinary Student Symposium 2013


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Applying for the Symposium

To register, please click to fill out the registration form here.

All the participants are required to pre-register, including audience members who do not make presentation.


Application dates

Please submit your application (with abstract) by the 10th of February 2013.


How to submit

To apply for oral or poster presentation, please download the abstract form, fill it, and email it back to us for review.


The abstract form is here. Please choose Oral presentation or Poster presentation. If you would like to be considered for Poster presentation if the Oral presentation schedule is full, select both check boxes.


Please return the filled abstract form by email to us at:



1. The abstract should be no more than 400 words

2. Please do not change the default font: Times New Roman (11 pt)

3. The abstract form is a Word 2003 document and can be opened in Open Office or Word 2003 and later.

4. Please enable macros if asked when opening the file. This will enable checkboxes

5. If the check box do not work, please specify the preference in the abstract with (YES/NO)for poster/oral presentation or specify in the email when submitting the abstract.


Please check the details page for guidelines and samples.



How to apply/register for participation (only)?

Those who would like to participate as audience without giving presentation also need to pre-register. Please use the same registration form mentioned in the above section. When filling out the form, chose 'audience' in the "Participation status" list box.



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